Invest in mental health.

  • Journey of Anxiety

    Our short course is designed to help you understand anxiety and develop effective coping strategies. Anxiety can affect anyone, and its symptoms can significantly impact your daily life, work, and relationships.

    By enrolling in our course, you'll learn about the different types of anxiety, their causes, and triggers. You'll also discover evidence-based techniques to manage anxiety, such as mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and relaxation techniques.

    Our course is an excellent investment in your mental health, and it can help you achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life.

  • Depression

    Depression can be a debilitating condition that affects every aspect of your life. But it doesn't have to be this way. Our short course on depression is designed to give you the tools you need to manage your symptoms and start feeling like yourself again.

    Through a combination of therapeutic techniques, practical exercises, and expert guidance, we'll help you understand the root causes of your depression and develop a personalised plan for moving forward.

    Whether you're looking to overcome past traumas, manage ongoing stressors, or simply improve your overall mental health, our course is here to support you every step of the way.

  • PTSD and Trauma

    Welcome to our short course on post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and trauma.

    Trauma can be a very difficult experience to overcome, and it can have long-lasting effects on your life.

    This course is designed to help you understand PTSD and trauma and learn techniques to manage and overcome their impact on your mental health.

    We'll cover everything from the symptoms of PTSD to different types of trauma and how to cope with them.

    Our goal is to provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to start feeling better. Let's get started!

  • Mental health in the workplace

    Welcome to our short course on mental health in the workplace. Stress, anxiety, and burnout are becoming all too common. This can have a significant impact on employees' mental health, leading to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and high turnover rates.

    As an employer, investing in the mental health of your staff can have significant benefits for your business. By providing your employees with tools and techniques to manage their mental health, you can create a positive work environment that fosters engagement, creativity, and innovation.

    In this course, we will explore the importance of mental health in the workplace and provide practical strategies for promoting a healthy work-life balance.

  • Stress management

    Welcome to our stress management course, designed to help individuals cope with the various stressors that they may encounter in their everyday lives.

    Whether it's work-related stress, relationship issues, financial problems, or any other source of stress, we are here to provide practical strategies to help you manage your stress levels effectively.

    Our course is led by experienced therapists who specialize in stress management and are dedicated to supporting you in your journey towards better mental health.

    By investing in this course, you are taking an important step towards taking care of yourself and improving your overall well-being.

  • Bereavement

    Grieving the loss of a loved one is an incredibly difficult experience that can feel overwhelming and isolating.

    If you're struggling with the pain of a recent loss, our bereavement short course can help you navigate the grieving process and find ways to cope with your emotions.

    In this course, we'll explore the different stages of grief, the impact of bereavement on your mental and emotional health, and practical tools and techniques for managing your grief. With the support and guidance of our experienced therapists, you'll learn how to process your emotions, find meaning in your loss, and move forward with a sense of peace and acceptance.